Here’s a fun and easy dreidel craft with a printable template that’s a great first printmaking activity for children.
Easy dreidel craft with printable template
Inspired by the classic Hanukkah spinning top game, let’s make a dreidel garland.
Materials Needed:
:: dreidel template from the Hanukkah Unit
:: card
:: pencil
:: scissors
:: paint
:: paper plate or shallow dish
:: items to print with such as blocks, buttons, corks, and cotton reels
Print making is a fun art technique for children to explore. They can use almost anything to make prints with, creating a one-of-a-kind art work.
Begin by printing out the dreidel template from the Hanukkah Unit. Use it to trace an outline of the dreidel onto card.
Print making is quite addictive once you get started, so you might like to print out several blank dreidel cards for each child, so they can print many different designs.
Set out paint on a paper plate or other shallow dish.
Then it’s time to start printing. Gather a collection of small items that you can use as stamps, such as blocks, buttons, corks, and cotton reels. Dip each item into the paint and then press it carefully onto your dreidel card to make a print.
Experiment with how much paint you cover your stamp with.
Overlay one stamped shape with another.
Make repeating patterns, neat rows, or free style your prints all over the dreidel.
See what happens if you make several prints before reapplying any more paint to your stamp.
Once the stamped dreidels are dry you can string them up together to make a decorative garland. You can also glue them to the front of folded sheets of card to make Happy Hanukkah greetings cards.

Download your Happy Hanukkah Unit
Let's raise our kids as knowledgeable, global citizens with a multi-cultural education. The Happy Hanukkah toolkit gives you everything you need to learn about this special festival.
With fun activities, lesson plans, and super useful printables you will learn about the Jewish Festival of Lights through math, literacy, art, craft, sensory, food, and film.
:: over 45 pages of lessons, activities, and printables
:: a complete unit of Hanukkah-themed math, literacy, arts and crafts, sensory play, food, and games
:: materials lists and bonus printables make it so easy!
:: everything planned for you, so you can enjoy it as much as your children do.
Click here to see more and get your kit.

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