Here are some great ideas for cloud dough recipes and sensory play ideas, including taste-safe versions so even very young children can join in the fun.
Creative play with cloud dough recipes
Have your children tried cloud dough?
It’s a great sensory play material: very touchy-feely and you can use one basic recipe with all sorts of added extras to make different colours, fragrances and play ideas.
It’s a bit like playing with sand, and a bit like using play dough, but something different to keep children exploring new materials and playing creatively.
Try one of these great cloud dough recipes!
Cloud dough recipes
Here’s a great homemade cloud dough recipe, which shows you step by step how to make it.
Cloud dough is a great open-ended play material, which means children of different ages can play together, using the dough in different ways to suit their ages and interest.
It’s a versatile recipe so you can have fun making scented cloud dough, or make:
:: or chocolate cloud dough
Cloud dough sensory play ideas
:: You can play scooping games with cloud dough
:: Pretend to bake with cloud dough
:: You can use cloud dough for letter hunts
:: Create a beach theme sensory tub
:: Go hunting for treasure in your cloud dough
:: Even make glowing cloud dough.
:: My girls love this fizzy science experiment.
:: And you can even use your cloud dough to make a no-cook version of play dough.
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