Use these ready-made thematic units for summer fun activities, DIY summer camps and summer play dates.

What to do with children in August
It’s so useful to have a few ready-made activity plans stashed away, ready to use over the summer for play dates, DIY summer camps and to keep kids playing and learning.
These units are all based in play and hands-on activities so they feel just like play days – with the added advantage that they’re packed with learning and skills-building. They’re a great way to keep kids happy and off screens, to ease back into learning after a slow summer, or to consolidate skills at the end of the school year.
Here’s our collection of grab-and-go thematic units to use in August.

Dinosaurs thematic unit
Dino fans, this unit is for you!
In this Dinosaur thematic unit your children can:
:: learn about dinosaurs and write about your favourite one
:: make a paper plate dinosaur
:: create a dinosaur small world
:: play dinosaur literacy games
:: have fun with dinosaur sensory play
Play Academy members can download this Dinsaurs unit with all the accompanying printables here.
Not a Play Academy member yet? Find out more and pick your first unit here.

Puppets thematic unit
The Play Academy’s Puppets Unit can be used to develop language and storytelling skills, to role play things your children are finding challenging, and to develop confidence and social skills.
In these Puppets activities your children can:
:: make puppets of their own and develop their characters
:: give your puppets a home
:: make props to enhance your storytelling
:: build a story with a beginning, middle and end
:: raise the curtain and perform your puppet show
Play Academy members can download this Puppets unit with all the accompanying printables here.
Not a Play Academy member yet? Find out more and pick your first unit here.

Art Camp thematic unit
Our Art Camp Unit gives you five process-art projects you can use to run an at-home/ in-class art camp. The Unit comes with printable invitations, stickers and certificates to hand out to all attendees.
In this Art Camp unit your children can:
:: host an art camp with printable invitations, stickers and certificates
:: explore homemade chalk paint
:: try homemade paint brushes
:: explore frozen paints
:: try flick painting
:: experiment with scrape art
Play Academy members can download this Art Camp unit with all the accompanying printables here.
Not a Play Academy member yet? Find out more and pick your first unit here.

Sunflowers thematic unit
This Sunflower Unit can be taught in conjunction with the first Sunflower Unit (included in our thematic units for May) or used on its own.
In this Sunflower unit your children can:
:: explore sunflower seeds
:: make sunflower seed cookies or crackers
:: make sunflower scratch art
:: explore sunflower shapes, size and symmetry
:: learn about sustainability and save or sell seeds for next year’s garden
Play Academy members can download this Sunflowers unit with all the accompanying printables here.
Not a Play Academy member yet? Find out more and pick your first unit here.

Forest school thematic unit
Our Forest School lesson plans can also be used to on its on or as a follow-on unit from our first Forest School lessons which were included in our May programme.
In these forest school lessons your children can:
:: learn about trees
:: explore ten things in ten minutes
:: make forest mandalas
:: enjoy campfire food
:: make clay faces
Play Academy members can download this Forest School unit with all the accompanying printables here.
Not a Play Academy member yet? Find out more and pick your first unit here.
Choose from over 50 ready-made thematic units
The Play Academy gives you over 50 grab-and-go thematic units which integrate perfectly with your curriculum. They’re carefully planned to introduce each topic and give children a range of hands-on lesson plans that really engage them in learning and developing cross-curricular skills and ideas.
Each unit is clearly laid out, showing you how to introduce and lead each lesson, so you can pick up your chosen unit and be ready to teach.
You can use individual units and also group units together to build a year-round pathway of cross-curricular leaning based around extended themes including Festivals, Science and Math, Art, and Nature.
Your teaching is about to get a whole lot better and easier!
Take a tour of the Play Academy and choose your first thematic unit here.