Use these printable elements of art color theory art worksheets to teach your children about the color wheel.

Printable elements of art color theory art worksheets for children
These ‘elements of art’ color theory worksheets are part of our color theory lessons resources within our art lessons and craft activities for children.
In this article, you can
:: see the wide range of color theory printables available to you
:: get ideas for famous artist study and hands-on creative projects to pair with each color theory lesson
:: download a complete Color Theory Art Lessons curriculum, to make your teaching easier

How to use these elements of art color theory printables
You can use these elements of art color theory printables in a variety of useful ways in your classroom.
Each color theory printable pairs with a hands-on art project and color theory lesson in our Color Theory Art Lessons curriculum. The printables make your teaching easier and give your children supporting materials for their learning.
Once you’ve completed the color lessons in the ready-made Color Theory curriculum you can use these printables as an activity so your children can review and consolidate what they have learned.
These art worksheets can also be used as a homework activity, and as a ‘quiz’ or end of term assessment to evaluate your children’s learning.
You can use the color wheel printable, the color theory worksheet and the monochrome worksheet as evidence of learning in your children’s portfolios, as reference guides for future art projects, and as posters or anchor charts for your classroom.
Get your set of these versatile art worksheets and use them to enrich your classroom.

Get all our Color Theory art lesson plans
The best way to teach color theory to your children is to use our ready-made Color Theory Art Lesson Plans. Our Color Theory curriculum gives you all the resources you need to learn about the color wheel and color theory with easy and fun art projects for every lesson.
The kit includes includes art history guides, famous artist profiles, and wider cross-curricular lessons in science, math, language arts and world culture, plus all the bonus printables and posters to make your teaching even easier.
See more details of our Color Theory curriculum and get your copy here.

Printable color wheel poster
Let’s look at all the color printables included in the Color Theory curriculum.
The first is this Color Wheel poster. It is based on a hand-painted color wheel used in the author Cathy James’s art workshops. It features primary, secondary and tertiary colors along with their names.
All the printables in the Color Theory kit can be printed as many times as you need and so each child can have their own copy to use as a reference sheet and you can use it as a color wheel poster in your classroom.

Printable color wheel template art worksheet
An outline template of a color wheel is also included, for your children to complete. A bonus ‘paint your own color wheel’ lesson is included in the Color Theory curriculum, which guides your children through the completion of their individual color wheels. It teaches them how to mix all the colors of the wheel using only the primary paint colors of red, yellow and blue as their starting point.
The Color Theory curriculum also includes an extensive list of famous art that you can show your children to illustrate artists’ use of the color wheel and color groups in their work. This including examples of famous art that uses primary, secondary, tertiary, contrasting, warm, cool and monochrome colors.

Printable color groups worksheet
You will also find this Color Groups worksheet in the Color Theory curriculum. This printable work particularly well as a consolidation activity, allowing your children to re-cap and demonstrate their learning whilst at the same time giving them a reference sheet for future projects

Rainbow outline template printable
A rainbow outline template is included in the Color Theory kit and provides an excellent framework for a lesson on primary and secondary colors.
The Color Theory curriculum guides you through a creative, hands-on project to complete the rainbow using the art technique of pointillism. It includes a famous artist study of Georges Seurat, famous for his pointillism artworks, with examples of his work for your children to look at. This lesson in our Color Theory unit also incorporates science teaching, as we also learn about how the human eye works and how we see color.

Monochrome color theory printable: tints and shades worksheet
This Monochrome worksheet is an excellent way to learn how to mix tints and shades of color.
The Color Theory curriculum guides your through a lesson on monochrome, tints, tones and shades and gives you a hands-on art project to work with tints and shades to create your own picture. You’ll learn about the famous artist James McNeill Whistler, and look at examples of his work to inspire your own tints, tones and shades painting. We’ll also include language arts, considering how colors get their names, and learn how colour recipe codes work.

Printable disco ball outline: coloring page
In the Color Theory curriculum we use a fun disco ball art lesson to learn about warm and cool colors
The kit gives you a disco ball outline printable to use as the starting point of the lesson. We’ll look at famous art using warm and cool colours created by Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet and Alma Woodsey Thomas, amongst others. We’ll also learn about the emotions and atmosphere created by warm and cool colors, and consider their different interpretations in world cultures.

Printable Kandinsky circles template
And we use an art project inspired by Wassily Kandinsky to learn about contrasting colors. An printable outline of square frames is included which you can use for this lesson, using oil pastels, pencils or colored pencils to explore this color group.

Get all our Color Theory art lesson plans and printables
Get your copy of the ready-made Color Theory Art Lesson Plans to explore all these aspects of the color wheel through creative art projects. The Color Theory curriculum gives you all the resources you need to learn about the color wheel and color theory and enjoy easy and fun art projects for every lesson, including all the printables used.

The kit also includes art history guides, famous artist profiles, and wider cross-curricular lessons in science, math, language arts and world culture, plus bonus printables and posters to make your teaching even easier.
See more details of our Color Theory curriculum and get your copy here.